Saint James Episcopal Church 

The Mission of Saint James

Saint James exists to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in worship and ministry, seeking to include all of God's children, 

both those in our community of faith and those beyond our doors, while offering the love of Christ. 

In 2011, St. James Episcopal Church of Bradley Beach celebrated its Centennial.  

Parishioners and well-wishers can now donate and/or pay their pledges online by clicking on the VANCO tab above. 


For more than 100 years, Saint James has been a home to parishioners that gather and work together to bring Christ to our community and to the world.


We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your personal needs or those of your family. Call us to speak by phone, send us an email or make an appointment to come into the office.

Father James T. Yarsiah, Priest-In-Charge

Email: saintjamesbb@gmail.com          Office Phone: 732-775-5414          

605 4th Avenue

Bradley Beach, NJ 07720


9:00AM Holy Eucharist Rite II, with Choir

*Zoom Remote Worship is Available During the 9 AM Service*

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 883 7738 3368

Passcode: 629708

All are welcome!


APRIL 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Celebrating the Hope of Easter: 

Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

As we celebrate the joyous Feast of Easter, we are reminded of the profound significance of this day and season in the Christian calendar. Easter is a time of renewal, rebirth, and above all, hope. It is a time when we reflect on the ultimate sacrifice made for humanity and rejoice in the triumph of life over death.

In the midst of life's challenges and uncertainties, Easter stands as a beacon of hope, reminding us that light always dispels darkness, and that new beginnings are always possible. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a testament to the power of faith, love, and redemption, offering us solace and inspiration in our own journeys.

For the first time since my arrival at our affiliated parishes, we celebrated the Great Easter Vigil at St. Michael’s, Wall, on Saturday evening. The Great Easter Vigil is a liturgy held in traditional Christian churches as the first official celebration of the Resurrection of Christ, beginning with the newly kindled fire and the lighting of the Paschal Candle. I led the procession into the dark church with the lighted Paschal Candle, reciting these words: “The light of Christ.” And the people responding: “Thanks be to God.” Everyone in attendance lighted his/her vesper candle from the Paschal Candle, thereby helping to dispel the darkness and illuminating the church with the light of Christ. This is a very powerful symbolism of Easter (light overcomes darkness)..    

This Easter season, let us unite as a community to celebrate the boundless grace and mercy of our risen Lord. Let us extend a hand of kindness to those in need, share the message of hope with those who are searching, and embody the spirit of love and compassion in all that we do.

May the joy of Easter fill your hearts and homes, and may the blessings of the risen Christ be with you always.

The Rev. Canon James T. Yarsiah